Dashboards: new and improved!

“New and improved” is one of my favourite slogans. How can something be improved if it is new? Sure, I understand what they mean, but you simply can’t have both. The dashboards in 3.3, however, are both new and improved. Promise.

Dashboards are the widget-based overview pages you can set up for your own homepage and project landing pages in The Bug Genie. They contain various tidbits of information, such as “recent activity”, download links, live statistics and more.

Wanna see how they’re new and improved? Hit the break for more information.

Continue reading “Dashboards: new and improved!”

Improving interactions with mentions

Aaaaaand we’re back. We hope you’ve liked the changes announced for the wiki and issue view already, but today we’re showing off another awesome feature in 3.3 that will likely change your issue tracking workflow for the better: @mention support!

If you’ve used twitter, facebook or any other social application in the past few years, you’ve no doubt seen support for mentioning users by typing an “@”, followed by the username. Read on to see how the @mention support will make interacting with other users in The Bug Genie easier!

Continue reading “Improving interactions with mentions”

Wiki editing improvements

Hi, everyone.

Most of you have used the wiki in some form or another. Whether you use it or not, a wiki can be an invaluable tool when it comes to organising project documentation, articles, files and a lot more. Having good wiki tools available is really important, and 3.3 will finally bring the suite of wiki tools up to par with the rest of the system.

So, let’s have a look at how wiki editing is improved in the 3.3 version, compared to 3.2, shall we?

(for an in-depth look at the new syntax and functionality, see the previous article about wiki improvements)

Continue reading “Wiki editing improvements”

Interface improvements for the issue view

One of our main goals with The Bug Genie is to make your life easier when tracking issues. To achieve this, we’re constantly looking for ways to improve. Closing in on the beta release for 3.3, we’re fine-tuning our final adjustments in the issue view, and wanted to share with you how this has been changed between the current release and the upcoming 3.3 release.

Read on for more details!

Continue reading “Interface improvements for the issue view”

Introduction to 3.3 – part 2

Hi everyone!

Just a heads up to anyone thinking about trying to start a blog post series just before summer: not a good idea. Anyways, I’m back with another update on new and upcoming features in 3.3. Many of you may not use the wiki, either because of its limited abilities to format and organize content in it, or just because you use another system for documentation or don’t have wiki content to put in. Fair enough, but in 3.3 a huge push has been made to make it possible and desirable for you to put your documentation and text content in the Bug Genie wiki! How so?, I hear you whisper in the shadows – oh, I’ll tell you.

The 3.2 wiki – while staying compatible with the Mediawiki (Wikipedia) syntax – only contains a minor subset of the full syntax available in Mediawiki installations. The goal with using the Mediawiki syntax is both to make it easy to use the Bug Genie wiki for Mediawiki users and authors, and to not introduce yet another wiki formatting syntax for you to learn. The mediawiki syntax is straight-forward, feature-rich and easy to understand. About time we started supporting more of it!

So, what have the wiki got in store for you for 3.3? Read on!

Continue reading “Introduction to 3.3 – part 2”

Introduction to 3.3 – part 1

First of all, I just have to say sorry for not keeping this blog more up-to-date. There has been much to do with both life and work, and little time to blog. That’s about to change, so this blog post should hopefully work to liven up the blog again.

Now, with that out of the way, you’re probably wondering what is happening with the next planned version – version 3.3 – originally scheduled for release early this year. As you may have noticed, instead of launching version 3.3, I started a donation campaign to try and attract some attention to the fact that The Bug Genie is unfortunately a one-man show nowadays with little help from the outside. I will tell you how that went in a different blog post, but rest assured that version 3.3 is coming, and it’s closer now than it was in January!

When you upgrade from 3.2 to 3.3, you will probably not notice anything new directly on the frontpage – but as soon as you start navigating around, you’ll see what’s been keeping us busy.

Continue reading “Introduction to 3.3 – part 1”